SQL Payroll 1.2019.167.146

Posted on 07 May 2019

Release notes

  • Fixed HR.Employee.Listing Export Excel Allowance empty
  • Fixed HR.Employee.Increment.Report Export to Word content overlap
  • Add Employee Socso no in NRIC column for PR.SOCSO.Borang8A(201407).Report
  • Add income tax EA, EC, CP8D and eData Praisi reports for year 2019
  • Add Payable HRDF amt for PR.HRDF-HRDFOnly
  • Feature: Default theme set as stardust
  • Add data import from a zip file contains multiple csv files - File | Import Data | Batch Import.
  • Feature #5153: Add EcoTimePrint under File | Import Data
  • Feature #5106: Add AmBank AutoPay Payroll EIS text file format
  • Update AmBank AutoPay Payroll text file format based on version 4.1
  • Feature #5136: Add OCBC bank EIS text file format

SQL Payroll 1.2019.166.145

Posted on 02 Apr 2019

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 95. - Tunning PR_AL, PR_CONTRIB, SY_DIY_OBJECT, SY_DIY & PT_TD Tables
  • Fixed PR.Tax.BorangEA-2018 & 2019 -English - Column B3 & B4 line overlap with amount
  • Add income tax Lampiran 2 report
  • Fix #5019: Employee tax category is blank when preview payroll yearly individual report
  • Fix "Myco ID/SSM Number" column of EIS Lampiran 1 text file format can contains only characters A-Z and 0-9
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2016 & 2017 field mapping error
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 export excel all font in white color
  • Enable Batch Email for PR.Tax.PCB2(II)-2012
  • Enlarge the Receipt No field to support up to 18 char for PR.Tax.PCB2(II)-2012
  • Feature #5066: Auto add allowance contribute to PCB if employee SOCSO borne by employer
  • Add EA Form to Sync Cloud
  • Add Hong Leong bank Connect BIZ EIS excel file format
  • Generate Public bank ECP excel file with .xlsx extension
  • Add Affin bank AutoPay text file format

SQL Payroll 1.2019.164.144

Posted on 26 Feb 2019

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 94. - Tunning Contribution Table
  • Enable PDF password for Batch Email for EC 2018 & 2019
  • Enable PDF password for Batch Email for EA 2018 & 2019
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 detail at page 2 not correctly shown column
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 Year not not update in 2nd page
  • Feature #5039: Reduce contribution EPF rate by half if rate is 22% and above

SQL Payroll 1.2019.163.143

Posted on 18 Feb 2019

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 92. - Tunning SY_Profile Table
  • Feature #4981: RHB EIS excel file format
  • Feature #4996: Public bank EIS text file format
  • Feature #5012: CIMB EIS text file format
  • Feature #4974: Alliance bank EIS text file format
  • Feature #4979: Change SOCSO type to "Second Category" auto change the EIS type to "No"
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2017 & PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 some total field not correct when more then 1 page
  • #5001: Preview leave entitlement report prompt error access violation
  • #4987: Payroll summary report show tax exemption of the process after user edit paysheet even though the process no calculate PCB
  • #4992: Yearly payroll report | Yearly employer EIS , system no capture the new amended Employer EIS Amount.
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2017 & PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 field mapping not correct column
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2018-BorangE not correct year
  • Fix PR.Tax.PCB2(II)-2012 format alignment problem
  • Add PR.Tax.CP8D-2018 & PR.Tax.CP8D-2018-BorangE format
  • Fixed PR.Tax.BorangEA-2019-BM.Report EA word not Fully shown
  • #4985: Change employee SOCSO on paysheet prompt error "Interface not supported"

SQL Payroll 1.2019.162.142

Posted on 11 Jan 2019

SQL PAYROLL - 2019 Updates

Release notes


  • Database upgrade to version 92.
  • Add PCB calculation for year 2019.
  • Add Maybank2E-RC Universal Payment EIS text file format.
  • Rename "Print Income Tax Lampiran B" to "Print Income Tax Lampiran B (PCB Audit)."
  • Replace "ID Number" column with "New IC" column for SOCSO text file format.
  • Reduce employer share of EPF contribution rate for post-retirees from 6% to 4%.
  • Employer must make SOCSO contribution for foreign workers.
  • Sync to Cloud.
  • Fixed bug list:

  • Apply payroll summary (work unit) report prompt error "list index out of bound".
  • CIMB Bulk Payment with Email Notification file format - "Payment Reference Number" column is empty, "Total Amount" column always zero amount.
  • Incorrect average leave entitlement calculated if the employee with join date fall after January of the .
  • UOB Interbank Giro and Inter Account Fund Transfer file format - "Beneficiary Resident Indicator" column is empty.
  • Employee marital status can set as blank.

SQL Payroll 1.2018.161.141

Posted on 23 Oct 2018

Release notes

  • Adjust implementation of AmBank AutoPay Payroll file format.
  • #4795: Incorrect description of detail record of payment voucher after import.
  • #4819: Public bank ECP Excel 3 - Column F is empty if the employee record with passport number only.

SQL Payroll 1.2018.159.140

Posted on 12 Oct 2018

Release notes

  • Add LV.Balance.Report-Leave Application
  • Fix LV.Balance.Report-Employee Performance preview error
  • Change leave balance report day columns footer summary kind to sum
  • Adjust UOB Interbank Giro and Inter Account Fund Transfer file format due to file control header and batch details exceed 1802 columns
  • Feature #4708: Add CIMB Bulk Payment with Email Notification file format
  • #4740: Enter leave application with day as time more than 8 hours will reset to 0 hour
  • Add Hong Leong bank Connect First file format
  • #4758: Alliance bank BizSmart Bulk Payment excel "Beneficiary Old IC No" column spelling error
  • #4741: Change date of annual leave prompt error "payroll already closed, apply unpaid leave is not allowed"
  • #4739: Incorrect file name of Public bank ECP excel file

SQL Payroll 1.2018.157.139

Posted on 26 Jul 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 91
  • Add Total Wages for PR.EPF.List.Report
  • Fixed HR.Loan.Repayment.History Grand Total not correct sum
  • Fix incorrect sequence number of current month deduction when preview PCB calculation
  • Remove redundancy field in LV.Application.Report
  • Add HR.Employee.Interview Assessment Form, HR.Employee.Listing & HR.Employee.Termination.Letter format
  • #4632: Incorrect sequence number on customize income tax EA and EC form
  • Update PR.Tax.CP8D-2017 to enable print more records in 1 page
  • Add PR.Summary-30C-L1.Report
  • Feature #4670: Add Public Bank ECP Excel File Formats
  • #4712: Project, job and task of pending wages record not updated if change employee
  • Allow user to enter payment description for detail record of CIMB ePayroll Payment file format
  • Update IBG participant banks of CIMB ePayroll Payment file format
  • Featue #4614: Allow user to disable action dialog if apply leave exceed entitle limit
  • Rename "Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (Malaysia) Berhad" to "MUFG Bank (Malaysia) Berhad"

SQL Payroll 1.2018.156.138

Posted on 16 Apr 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 90
  • Rename PR.Yearly.IndividualPay.Report filename
  • Add LV.Balance.Report-Employee Performance report
  • Update PR.Tax.BorangEA-2017 & 2018 Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Enable support Batch EMail for Yearly Individual Pay report
  • #4574: Fail to upload HRPay IRB text file to Maybank web server due to employer IT group not left padded with spaces, employee IT group cannot leave blank
  • Feature #4586: Add DaysBetweenStartAndEndDate parameter to overtime pay rate calculation
  • #4590: Employee age 60 years 0 month does not exclude from EIS contribution
  • Fix GL account lookup unable to display unicode text
  • Feature #4432: Standard Chartered Bank Bulk Payroll Excel File Format
  • Feature #4219: Add RHB Reflex EPF and SOCSO Excel File Format
  • Feature #4502: Add UOB Interbank Giro and Inter Account Fund Transfer File Format
  • #4599 and #4601: Incorrect employee SOCSO type, EPF rate and employer EPF rate if employee age 60 years 0 month after process payroll
  • Feature #4600: Add Nexpro TimeTracX under File | Import Data
  • Feature #4534: Employer paid employee share for EIS contribution

SQL Payroll 1.2018.155.137

Posted on 16 Mar 2018

Release notes

  • Internal Release

SQL Payroll 1.2018.154.136

Posted on 03 Mar 2018

Release notes

  • Fix #4542: Apply HRDF report prompt dynamic SQL error if filter by project, job or task
  • Fix #4549: Incorrect number of children qualified for tax relief in income tax reports if there is a child record with eligible rate 0%.
  • Fix #4543 Incorrect display the process parameter in Print Contribution Info report
  • Fix #4563: Payroll yearly individual report filter by HR group not working
  • Fix 4530: Unable to remove adhoc / frequency payroll process with empty transaction after process month end payroll.
  • Fix date of payment voucher or journal entry always one day less than actual date after import
  • Feature #4537: Add "Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad" to bank drop down list
  • Feature #4528: Change "Auto claim SOCSO for calculate PCB" caption to "Claim SOCSO relief in PCB calculation (TP1 Form submitted)"
  • Feature #4472: Add "Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad" to bank drop down list
  • Feature #4502: Add UOB SOCSO text file format.

SQL Payroll 1.2018.150.135

Posted on 02 Feb 2018

Release notes

  • Update EIS Lampiran 1 excel file to new format
  • Feature #4529: Add EIS Lampiran 1 text file format.
  • Feature #4527: Add Remuneration field to main dataset of SOCSO Borang 8A and EIS Lampiran 1 report
  • Fix failed to upload SOCSO form 8A text file to SOCSO portal assist due to file extension in uppercase
  • Fix #4518: Save paysheet prompt error data is read only if auto mark finalize option is checked
  • Feature #4523: Add "Print EIS Lampiran 1" button on welcome page of month end payroll process
  • Feature #4519: Add spouse of an employer to EIS category
  • Feature #4521: Update employee EPF rate to "A" if the rate below 11% and employer EPF rate to "A" if the rate below 12%
  • Feature #4525: Open employee paysheet always show payroll info page

SQL Payroll 1.2018.150.134

Posted on 26 January 2018

Release notes

  • Add EIS Lampiran 1 excel file format
  • #4511: EIS Borang 2 / 2A report does not exclude employee age below 18 and age 60 and above

SQL Payroll 1.2018.148.133

Posted on 23 January 2018

What's new in this version (download here)

Release notes

  • No more support Windows XP & Windows Server 2008 and below
  • Bug #4498: Hong Leong bank Connect BIZ excel "Beneficiary Email Address" column does not fill with employee email
  • Bug #4497: Changes on leave application record will revert to old value after save
  • Add support of MUFG Giro Email Notification file format
  • Bug #4506: Change leave type of leave application prompt error access violation
  • Feature #4504: No EIS contribution for employee age below 18
  • Feature #4505: Rename description of EIS category and remove unused EIS category
  • Bug #4507: Payroll yearly individual report does not exclude employee already resigned
  • Fix incorrect number of children qualifed for tax relief in income tax reports
  • Feature #4496: Change default output directory to C:\ for all banks and statutory bodies output file
  • Fix incorrect value of tax exempted in income tax e-Data Praisi report for year 2017
  • Add income tax Lampiran B report

SQL Payroll 1.2018.147.132

Posted on 16 January 2018

Release notes

  • Fix EIS Borang 2 / 2A report does not exclude inactive employee, employee with EIS type equal to zero
  • Add EIS type and EIS category column to employee record browse grid
  • Fix bug #4491: Edit employee paysheet of adhoc payroll auto calculate EIS contribution even though the user choose not calculate EIS for the adhoc payroll
  • Fix bug #4492: Missing leading zero for state code column in Hong Leong bank Connect BIZ EPF excel file format
  • Fix bug #4493: Unable to process payroll for employee with join date fall after start of the payroll month
  • Fix bug #4494: Employee default allowance contribution setting does not follow the origin allowance contribution setting after assign allowance code

SQL Payroll 1.2018.146.132

Posted on 10 January 2018

Release notes

  • Fix bug #4486: EIS Borang 2A report does not exclude employee already resigned, employee with default remuneration does not contribute to EIS
  • Fix unable to process payroll for employee with resigned date
  • Add support of print EIS listing report
  • Add feature #4485: Add income tax e-Data Praisi for year 2017
  • Calculate EIS if employee EIS type is "Yes"
  • Database upgrade to version 86

SQL Payroll 1.2018.145.131

Posted on 8 January 2018

Release notes

  • Bug #4409: Missing employee information columns on leave application batch entry
  • Feature #4418: Add "Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad" to bank drop down list
  • Fix employee name is empty after read from MyKad
  • Fix application prompt override access right window twice even though ADMIN override the access right
  • Generate Hong Leong bank connect biz excel file with .xlsx extension due to bank web server return error message "system error"
  • Prompt message to user before save employee leave application if total days on the date exceed 1 day.
  • Add process date, description 2, ref 1 and ref 2 columns to payroll process lookup
  • Bug #4453: Print PCB calculation of year 2017 show "education and medical insurance premium" with "deferred annuity premium" amount
  • Feature #4459: Add support of merge payroll yearly individual pay reports into one report
  • Provide user an easy way to configure unpaid leave calculation without write script
  • Provide user an easy way to configure leave bought forward without write script
  • Provide user an easy way to configure leave entitlement policy without write script
  • Add HRDF rate to company profile
  • Calculate HRDF report for the month of the year
  • Feature #4461: Application will not calculate amount for pending overtime or unpaid leave if amount not equal to zero unless "use system calculated amount for pending overtime/unpaid leave" option is checked
  • Feature #4462: Allow user to process final payroll for the month by employee, branch, department, etc
  • Add EIS calculation for year 2018
  • Feature #4465: Employee EPF rate revert to 11% effective Jan 2018 payroll
  • Add PCB calculation for year 2018
  • Database upgrade to version 85

SQL Payroll 1.2017.143.130

Posted on 7 October 2017

Release notes

  • Purpose code is not required if payment mode is "IFT" in AmBank Net Salary file format
  • Fix bug #4346: Wages trans always post to default GL account regardless of GL account for each wages code, if generate payment voucher per employee
  • Reposition "Apply" button on report param form
  • Fix HRDF report one cent different issue
  • Add feature #4379: Add access right "Apply leave exceed leave entitle limit"
  • Fix preview payroll summary report more than one time prompt error "Interface C? already registered"
  • Fix bug #4347: Missing hidden columns in Hong Leong bank CONNECT BIZ EPF, SOCSO and IRB excel file format
  • Fix bug #4395: Missing data for header, sub header and footer record in RHB EPF text file format
  • Fix bug #4339: Add category parameter to reports
  • Set page buffers to 300 MB for existing database
  • Database upgrade to version 84.

SQL Payroll 1.2017.141.129

Posted on 5 July 2017

Release notes

  • Show description of payroll process after user select a payroll process from drop down list

SQL Payroll 1.2017.140.129

Posted on 3 July 2017

Release notes

  • Add HR.Employee.Acceptance Of Resignation Letter, HR.Employee.Confirmation Evaluation Form, HR.Employee.Employment Application Form
  • Fix bug #4233: Failed to upload fixed length or csv file to KWSP web server due to employee name contains special character
  • Add ANVIZ under File | Import Data
  • Fix bug #4302: State code does not set 014 for header record of OCBC bank EPF text file format
  • Fix bug #4276: RHB Payroll excel file format - field length without limit
  • Add support of payroll accounting
  • Database upgrade to version 83

SQL Payroll 1.2017.138.127

Posted on 12 May 2017

Release notes

  • Show description of payroll process after user select a payroll process from drop down list
  • Fix PR.Tax.CP8D-2016-BorangE unable to fully show amount more than 100000 for Grand Total
  • Fix bug #4171: Incorrect caption of passport number field on customize income tax EA form
  • Feature #4186: Add 0% option to eligible rate of claim child deduction
  • Generate RHB bank smart payroll excel file with .xlsx extension due to bank web server return error message "unable to read the file" if without re-save the excel file with excel application
  • Feature #4201: Add leave module to accountant set
  • Allow user to enter generic payment information if user select Alliance bank BizSmart Bulk Payment file format
  • Revert header of column E and F to "Employee Internal ID" and "Customer Reference" in Hong Leong bank ePayment excel file format
  • Fix bug #4202: Employment status (employee resigned within the month) is empty for detail record of Alliance bank SOCSO text file format
  • Fix PCB amount one cent different after recalculate
  • Feature #4207: Rewrite note for employees receive monthly wages 5000 and below, the employer contribution is 13%
  • Feature #4211: File naming convention is SCEF_CompanyShortName.txt for Alliance bank SOCSO-12 digit text file format
  • Fix bug #4215: Open leave entitlement window prompt dynamic SQL error if leave code is numeric
  • Fix bug #4216: Paste employee record prompt error "You are not allowed to change DeductAttr"
  • Add View | Smart Card Reader