SQL Account 5.2019.866.777

Release on 08 May 2019

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Add Customer Invoice Listing - Outstanding Service Tax
    • Enable support Customer Deposit Refund for GL PV
    • Fixed Item 18a Not Printout even preview had shown
  • #5157: System shouldn't assign default SST tax code for document entries which is before SST Effective Date
  • #5151: DIY Script - Cash Sales - Prompt Insufficient Privilleges If the user don't had access right to Override Credit Limit
  • Feature #5117: Find & Open Documents in Detail Entry
  • Feature #5118: Main Menu support right click Browse/Entry mode options for all entry forms (like Maintain User)
  • Feature #5132: Bank Reconciliation add past 6 statements graph for Bank Closing Amount
  • Feature #5119: SL/PH QT, SO & DO add right click "Transfer To" other documents option in detail form

SQL Account 5.2019.865.776

Release on 18 Apr 2019

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Feature #5052: All SL & PH reports add Tariff grid column, filtering and Group/Sorting
    • #5061: Stock Card & Stock Month End Balance shouldn't show non stock control item even tick include zero balance
    • #5065: AR/AP/SL/PH Reports Company branch pipeline not display properly on certain customer/supplier
    • Feature #4926: GL P&L & Balance Sheet Consolidation support Total and Total Percentage columns
    • Update 01. SST SST-02-2019 to shown the item 18A
    • Feature #5109: GL/AR/AP/SL/PH Document Listing, SL/PH Price History & Sales Picking List report add all document master fields in grid
    • Fixed GL OR - Fast Report - Amount not correct shown in Customer Deposit when in multi currency
    • Add Option for Hide/UnHide Account Code for GL Profit & Loss
    • Add Option for Hide/UnHide Account Code for GL Balance Sheet
    • Fixed 01. SST SST-02-2019 Tariff count not including null
    • Update GST F5 Return with Due date & GST No
  • Add bank JomPAY file format
  • #4971: Allow posting via BizObject If Exceed Credit Limit with overridden permission
  • #5068: SST-02 Drill Down Form unable to drill down to source document
  • Feature #4967: Customer Deposit Refund/Forfeit grid, Forfeit record DocNo should be display as Customer Deposit DocNo. Added support for edit Forfeit document entry.
  • Feature #5037: GL/AR/AP/SL/PH document Entries forms by default open entry as NEW (if user has right), otherwise default to browse form. (without Form Mode condition)
  • Fix error of Maybank Universal Payment file format (telegraphic transfer payment mode)
  • Feature #5107: AR/AP Company & GL Account lookup by default search by Description field
  • Feature #4784: AR/AP Fast Entry add Tariff Code field
  • AR/AP Invoice Fast Entry add highlight for error records

SQL Account 5.2019.862.775

Release on 26 Feb 2019

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • #5035: Fix SST Listing SQty field display format
    • #4998: SST listing report contain record with SR if the invoice contains detail with SV and SR
    • #4990: Stock BOM Planner On Hand Qty double up when BOM list have selected 2 same components
    • #5021: Sales Price History report "Document_CompanyBranch" pipeline not link properly to main pipeline
    • #5024: Fast Report - Stock Card will show Dataset Category does not exist
    • Convert GL OR & GL PV Detail (with other CNnOR info) to FR3
    • Fixed Sales Quotation 8 (SST 2) still show total exclude gst / total include gst
    • #5038: IMSV did not post the imported service tax 6% in SST-02 listing if the company is service tax registered
  • Upgrade Database to Version 171 - Tunning SST_PROCESS, SST_TR & SST_TR_DRAFT table
  • Add SST registered option on start SST wizard form and make IMSV active only for non-SST Registered user
  • Feature #4946: Add "Use Invoice Ext. No as Invoice Number for Payment Detail" option on GIRO param form
  • Feature #5016: Company Profile UI update
  • Feature #5027: Allow Special Account Type for under the Normal Account (reverted changes of Bug #4916)
  • Feature #5017: Company Profile Set Report Header include SST No
  • #5007: GL OR contain "SV" payment basis tax code should include in SST Process logic that debit Deferred SST account and credit Service Tax Account
  • #5013: GL Cash Book add Local Amount & Local SubTotal (Tax) in grid
  • #5018: Maintain GL Account once created new account under non-current asset, it will auto scroll down to the new account code
  • #5028: Maintain Item Opening Stock Batch field is limited to 20 even is support 30 char
  • #4976: Stock & Purchase Documents Barcode entry (F8) if untick Show Cost access right, should hide unit price, discount & amount fields
  • SST Return add friendly message to "offset value exceeded balance value" error that stated PM and IV docno
  • #5003: GL Journal select Tax code prompt Abstract Error
  • Add Deemed Supply to Repost & Recalculate Costing
  • Feature #4993: Maintain Tax disable input tax & output tax and hide "Switch to Easy Mode" button

SQL Account 5.2019.860.774

Release on 24 Jan 2019

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Add SST SST-02A-2019 format
    • Add SST-02A report
    • Feature #4905: Add Permit No, Item Code and SQty to SST listing for future Customs requirement
  • Feature #4964: New tax code for imported service SVA, PSVE, IMSV & IMSVE (supplier/purchase entry) which should declare and paid the service tax in SST-02. Non-SST register users able to use SST tax code and SST-02A report.
  • Add Non-SST Registered option on new SST return window
  • Add New Tax Code: SVA, PSVE, IMSV, IMSVE. Maintain Tax Browse form add "Easy Tax" category and Easy Tax's Output & Input Tax Lookup include inactive & General tax code.
  • Feature #4973: Company Profile add PostCode, City & State fields.
  • Feature #4931: Add SST Taxable entry for Opening service tax invoices outstanding
  • Feature #4957: Add Sales Tax and Service Tax number fields in Maintain Customer & Supplier
  • [SST-MY] Feature #4956: Add new tax code "SVE" for service tax exemption
  • #4941: Service tax invoice paid the double entry become not balance after edit the Account code
  • Fix customer name is empty after read from MyKad

SQL Account 5.2019.859.773

Release on 15 Jan 2019

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • #4961: Incorrect result of SST-02 item 19 if sales tax number and service tax number are empty
    • Fixed Deemed Supply for SST Title out of alignment
  • Add support of preview customer CTOS lite report
  • #4922: Unable to edit sales invoice document detail (remark1) if the tax is SV and without payment knockoff after process SST return
  • #4966: Customer Deposit should not allow to add deposit refund/forfeit if Unapplied Amt = 0
  • #4917: Rename GL Account Code "SST-Kastam" didn't update the account code reference in Tools | Options | GL
  • Feature #4892: Rename KnockOff GST Date to KnockOff Tax Date
  • Feature #4950: Maintain Customer & Supplier browse screen add Mobile field in field chooser

SQL Account 5.2018.858.772

Release on 29 Dec 2018

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Fixed Stock Issue & Receive Listing Summary not filter by document
    • Fixed GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies Column 7 calculation not correct
    • Fixed Customer/Supplier Statement Aging some with 0 not shown as -
    • #4949: Preview deemed supply document in entry mode but the report contains all records
    • Fixed TX-RE Should Exclude 0% - GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies reports
    • #4909: Drill down from SST-02 report shows empty if process as draft
    • #4929: Cash Flow Forecast Report GL Cash Book PD cheque not showed
    • Fixed TX-RE not match with Screen for GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies reports
    • Fixed GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies-2018 Column 7 calculation not correct
  • Maintain Customer & Supplier Support SSM Registration Number Lookup
  • #4713: Credit Limit control dialog freeze when save document in multi user environment
  • #4928: Cash Flow Forecast grid misalign
  • #4921: Fix at end of table error
  • #4891: DataSet not in edit or insert mode error

SQL Account 5.2018.854.771

Release on 05 Dec 2018

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Add SST Listing 3 report
  • #4916: Prevent user to change child account's Special Account Type that different with its Parent Account upon Edit Account
  • #4913: Help | SQL Account Home Page direct to wrong URL
  • #4788: Unable to unchecked default if there is only one default tariff record
  • Fix Cash Purchase Address2 UI control misalign
  • #4918: Cash purchase windows re-open few times

SQL Account 5.2018.853.770

Release on 30 Nov 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 169
  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • #4897: SST-02 report show company name under sales tax and service tax columns even though the company has sales tax number or service tax number only
    • Add Cust Local - Contra Listing - Collection Report-Service Tax report
    • Add Batch EMail function to GL PV fr3 format
    • Fixed GL PnL - 13C1P format export to excel some data is hidden
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for Sales CN format
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for Sales CS format
    • Add Sales QT 8 SST format
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for Sales QT format
    • Fixed GL PnL - Project Summary (20 Rows) for invalid font type
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for Customer Statement format
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for Sales IV format
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for GL PV format
    • Enable support CurrencyToLangWord function for GL OR format
    • Fixed GL Official Receipt - Detail - Full (SST) shown in half page
    • Update Cust Local - Contra Listing - Collection Report-Service Tax for more detail info
    • Update Cust Local - Payment Listing - Collection Report-Service Tax for more detail info
    • Show Draft copy for SST SST-02 process as Draft
  • #4900: Save Customer Payment Prompt "cdsDocDetail dataset not in edit mode" Error
  • Feature #4838: Add the SST-02 draft features
  • #4788: Unable to unchecked default if there is only one default tariff record
  • #4846: Item tariff code will not update in PH document where default tax code is BLANK or not SST tax type in Maintain Supplier.
  • #4895: Unable to edit sales invoice document detail remark1 after process SST return
  • #4804: Supplier Invoice Fast Entry, when Prompt duplicate & delete will not be able to save changes
  • #4879, #4880: "Share content" icon overlap with others button when preview report; switch MDI to tab docking mode prompt abstract error due to radial menu is visible on screen
  • Journal Entry: confirmation dialog not prompt when change account code
  • #4906: Cash Sales with payment prompt Access Violation
  • #4907: GL Cash Book - Item description is overridden by built in description in copy and paste operation

SQL Account 5.2018.850.769

Release on 12 Nov 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 168
    • Tunning Table: PD_JO
  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Increase Column Header Hight for GL Balance Sheet & PnL Report to support 2 line caption
    • Add GetShareText Function for Purchase Order Format
    • Add GetShareText Function for Sales DO format
    • Enable support Share Message for Customer Statement using QT
    • Fixed Sales Quotation 7 format EMail Template not able get Default Template if report not in the list
    • Fixed Sales Invoice 7 to 9 format EMail Template not able get Default Template if report not in the list
    • Enable support Batch Email & using QT as Share Message Template for Sales Quotation 7 format
    • Enable support using QT as Share Message template for Sales Invoice 7 to 9 format
    • Feature #4873: GL P&L & Balance Sheet missing parameter field - Print Consolidate
    • Enable support Deposit Module for GL OR & PV - Detail (SST) report
    • Fixed GL Receipt & Payment report Overlap in total
    • Fixed Sales Local - Invoice Listing (GST 1) - SLvsAR report name
  • #4874: Prompt Error when create new Job Order
  • #4878: Unchecked bounced cash book prompt error "Table unknown TAX_PROCESS"

SQL Account 5.2018.849.768

Release on 02 Nov 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 167
    • Tunning Table: SY_PROFILE
    • Add Table : AR_DP, AR_DPDTL
  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Add GetShareText Function for Sales Quotation format
    • Add GetShareText Function for Sales Invoice format
    • #4863: Financial Consolidated Report
    • GL Balance Sheet Report support Consolidation between databases
    • GL Profit & Loss Report support Consolidation between databases
    • Update label for Purchase PI, CP, SD & SC Listing GST to Tax
    • Update label for Sales IV, CS, DN & CN Listing GST to Tax
    • Update SST-02 - Limit tariff to 10 record for Page 2 & add Page 5 to list all Tariff records
    • #4858 Stock Card Not match with Month End Balance
    • #4857: SST-02 Report B1 should excluding Exempted transaction
    • Feature #4851: GL Ledger Report "Merge GL Code for same document" option should apply to P&L Accounts only
    • Fixed Sales Quotation 7 (GST 2) Description3 overlaping
  • #4844: Partial Delivery Transfer slow if has many items (Tick/Untick all & selection and tick document record all are slow)
  • Set document form size to to 1000 x 600
  • Feature #4866: Add link to get Google API key
  • #4868: Access Violation when using Form Mode with split browse & detail windows option
  • Feature #4865: Company Profile - Consolidate Alias change to friendly name
  • #4588: Customer Deposit
  • Insert Deposit Account into Maintain GL Account and Payment Method
  • GL Account add "Deposit" special account type (together with bank & cash special account type)
  • Tools | Options | GL | Default Journal, add "Deposit Journal"
  • Enable Cloud storage file sharing
  • Share billing or delivery address of sales or purchase document to whatsapp or windows 10 share charm
  • #4848: Process SST return prompt error license expired
  • #4859: DIY Script - OnGridColumnValueChange script not working
  • Feature #4751: Allow user to choose supplier invoices when process AP bad debt recover
  • Feature #4855: Add new PST5 tax code under General Tax Purchase tax type
  • #4854: Fix incorrect tax type for PST and PSV when Start SST
  • #4849: Stock Assembly Transfer from JO will hang after enter Qty if contains much records
  • #4842: Update GL/AR transaction tariff with default tariff if the transaction tariff is empty during process SST-02

SQL Account 5.2018.847.767

Release on 25 Oct 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 166
    • Tunning Table: GL_TRANS, GST_TR_DRAFT, GST_TR & SST_TR
  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Update GL Journal of Transaction - Inbalance export script
    • #4832: Add GL | Print Bank Reconciliation Listing Template
    • #4815: SST-02 - Purchase Transactions should be excluded in Part B1
    • Update SST SST-02 Highlight Red for Record without Tariff Code in B1
    • Remove Word Wrap for Tariff Description
  • #4844: Partial Delivery Transfer slow if has many items (Tick/Untick all & selection and tick document record all are slow)
  • #4769: DIY Script - modal dialog stay behind
  • #4745: Gift output tax not calculated after 1 Jun 2018 even though tax rate is 6% and amount exceed RM500
  • #4834: Re-select the same item code the tax code will change and not follow the customer tariff tax code. Bug #4835: Tax code will not follow the customer tariff tax code if the tariff has set as default
  • Feature #4820: Add "Include Zero Qty" to Partial Delivery document transfer form
  • #4806: GL Payment Voucher save prompt assertion error if Bank Charges Account Code not specified in Maintain Payment Method
  • #4791: Transfer SO to PO should exclude Discount field
  • #4812: AR/SL missing Tax Date label
  • #4828: Published GL Bank Recon Report parameters for biz object
  • #4822: Prompt Access Violation when save Stock Item Template
  • Change Command Navigator group caption's Font Colors
  • Fix process final GST return prompt error "Easy GST (SL-BadDebt) input tax is not a valid tax type

SQL Account 5.2018.844.766

Release on 10 Oct 2018

Release notes

  • Enhance, Retuning & Fixed Report
    • Fixed GL Bank Reconciliation Report amount overlap
    • Fixed Cust Overdue Letter-(with other Info) address not shown if only OR
    • Add Cust 12 Months Aging LS - Outstanding Service Tax
    • #4805: SST-02 Report double click Drill Down should sensitive to Report Type (Sales Tax, Service Tax or Both)
    • Remove GST Tap function from SST SST-02 report
    • #4742: Balance Sheet Statement numeric format error in Indonesian environment
  • #4813: Missing tax code PST and PSV after start SST
  • #4808: LastModified not updated after save detail dataset changes.
  • Fix VarToDateTime cause variant conversion error for non English locale (e.g.: Indonesia)
  • Feature #4807: Allow set tax date for AR IV, AR DN, SL IV, Cash Sales & SL DN
  • #4809: System unable to capture correct Tariff Code preset in Maintain Stock Item
  • #4776: Press enter doesn't focus on next control in Maintain Account
  • #4798: Syntax error for numeric format in Indonesian environment

SQL Account 5.2018.841.765

Release on 08 Oct 2018

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 165
  • SST-02 returns and listing process ready.
  • Service tax based on payment basis ready.
  • Transitional rules for Bad debt Relief and LPA (after 1 Sept - 29 Dec 2018).
  • Asset value field added for final GST return
  • Batch update value to Tariff code in Maintain Stock Item
  • Tax date can set earlier than doc date.
  • Added the exemption lookup field memorized by company at Customer/Sales and Supplier/Purchase document.

SQL Account 5.2018.840.764

Release on 08 Sep 2018

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 164
  • Add SST: Deemed Supply
  • Change SEC1, SEC2, SEC3, PEC1, PEC2 & PEC3 tax description. Add tax code SEC4, SEC5, PEC4, PEC5
  • Fixed Apply Report before 1 Sep 2018 error

SQL Account 5.2018.839.763

Release on 06 Sep 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 163
  • Customer & Supplier Report add Tariff pipeline
  • Company Profile datamap add SalesTaxNo & ServiceTaxNo
  • Remove Tax Code & Add Tax Rate for GL Data Entry SST Format
  • Remove Tax Code & Add Tax Rate for Customer Data Entry SST Format
  • Remove Tax Code & Add Tax Rate for Sales Data Entry SST Format
  • Remove Sales Invoice & Cash Sales Entry GST format
  • Fix error in Maintain Tax: Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)
  • SL/PH posting to AR/AP documents support Tariff

SQL Account 5.2018.837.762

Release on 28 Aug 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 162
  • Add GL JV, GL OR & GL PV format for SST
  • Remove AllowExpression option for GST Lampiran 4
  • Prevent user change SST effective date earlier than 1 Sep 2018
  • System will not assign GL CB & Journal default tax code (in Maintain GL Account) if different tax system
  • Fix Maintain Tax change Tax Type not refresh Tax Rate problem
  • Fix Maintain Tax New and Save tax code prompt "could not convert variant of type Null into type integer"
  • #4759: Remove Default Output & Input Tax from Tools | Options. Maintain Tax add Default Tax checkbox. Document Entries Default Tax Logic will retrieve default tax based on tax system
  • Feature #4760: Split SST tax codes to SL & PH
  • Prompt user friendly message when GST return (MY) date to greater than 31 Aug 2018

SQL Account 5.2018.836.761

Release on 27 Aug 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 161
  • Add Sales Invoice 7 (GST 1) - SG report
  • Add New Sales Invoice format for SST & Non SST
  • Add New Sales Debit Note format for SST & Non SST
  • Add New Sales Credit Note format for SST & Non SST
  • Add New Cash Sales Format for SST & Non SST
  • Add Customer Invoice, Debit Note & Credit Note SST format
  • Convert all Customer Invoice, Debit Note & Credit Note to fr3
  • SL/PH Outstanding Document Report cdsDocMaster should select distinct records
  • Fix Stock Issue & Received Listing preview error when DocAmt is 0
  • Remove Shift option for Purchase Data Entry FR3 format for Title
  • Remove Shift option for Sales Data Entry FR3 format for Title
  • Fixed Cust Debit Note (GST) - Half DocNo Mapping wrong field
  • Singapore Customer Accounting - 2019-01-01
  • Malaysia Sales & Service Tax (SST) 2018-09-01
  • Feature #4755: Enter closing stock value as DS in final GST Return
  • Rename Maintain Tax Browse Category "Others" to "GST Others"
  • SST: Change menu GST to SST/GST
  • Feature #4757: GST-03 Return and payment due date should be 29 Dec 2018 if date to is 31 Aug 2018 detected

SQL Account 5.2018.834.760

Release on 28 Jul 2018

Release notes

  • Fixed Supplier Invoice,DN, CN (GST) export pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Customer Invoice, DN, CN (GST) export pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed GST Bad Debt Relief - Sales-Part C17 preview error when value is 0
  • #4709: GL Ledger - Report selection is not filter by Grouping level
  • Fixed GL JV (GST) export pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed GL OR & PV (GST) export pdf some field partly shown
  • Add Account code column for GL PnL - 13C1P format
  • Fixed GL BS - 13C2P Account Description on 2nd page not properly shown
  • Fixed Sales Credit Note 7 export pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Debit Note 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Delivery Order 1 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Order 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Quotation 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed GL PnL - 4C0P Export to Excel some field is hidden
  • Fixed Sales Cash Sales 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Cancel Note 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Return 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Request 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Invoice 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Debit Note 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Cash Purchase 7 (GST 1) export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Cancel Note 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Purchase Order 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed Sales Invoice 7 export to pdf some field partly shown
  • Fixed QT, SO, IV & CS Format 7 GST 1 item detail not fully shown if item more then 36 records
  • Fix Discount error if had tax inclusive for Sales Invoice 3 (Sales Disc)
  • Fix Sales Quotation 7 (GST 2) export to pdf some field partly shown
  • #4705: GL Cash Book & JE - Change account code freeze the application
  • #4723: Maintain Account Industry Code should only visible for GST Malaysia only
  • #4711: Supplier Refund knockoff Payment will prompt gain loss even is local currency

SQL Account 5.2018.832.759

Release on 27 Jun 2018

Release notes

  • Remove Record where LocalDR & LocalCR is 0 for GL Opening Balance
  • Convert Stock Issue & Received Listing to FR3
  • Fix bug #4702: Unable to start GST (Singapore) if GST effective date earlier than start of the current year
  • Fix GL BS - 3C1P & GL BS - 2C1P % for Fixed Asset is 0 if not Basic format
  • Bug #4680: The Override Credit limit Counter not working on non english locale
  • Bug #4652: IBizObject.XMLFieldDefs prompt error
  • Feature #4688: Add support of batch edit value for fast entry
  • Convert GL Local - Ledger - Detail - Level 2 to FR3
  • Fixed Sales Invoice 7 (GST 2) From Doc Date field column too short
  • Bug #4696: Payment method of parent account not remove when drag a cash/bank account underneath
  • Bug #4690: Prompt error when Logout and Login with automation
  • Fixed GL Trial Balance - This Year should hide account when DR & CR is 0
  • Bug #4687: AR/AP Invoice Fast Entry delete all records after save error and re-append new record, it will show last deleted record value
  • Fixed GL Balance sheet Export to pdf some info shown partly
  • Bug #4685: AR/AP Invoice Fast Entry Main Description should set default value and memory last value
  • Fixed GL PnL - 2C2P-Currency to pdf Account code shown partly
  • Bug #4693: Supplier Invoice's Fast Entry default account should be Purchase Account
  • Bug #4694: Rename AR/AP Invoice Fast Entry Form Title
  • Bug #4695: Stock Assembly & Disassembly Copy Paste Prompt "the record has been changed by another user" (exclude UpdateCount field during copy paste)
  • Bug #4692: Supplier Invoice's Fast Entry TaxAmt column should allow edit
  • Convert 99% of GL Profit & Loss report to Fast Report
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 double deduct for TX
  • Bug #4678: AR/AP Invoice Fast Entry Error "Mismatch in datapacket" when save
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Taxable Amount Grand Total should including Bad Debts Amount

SQL Account 5.2018.829.758

Release on 07 Jun 2018

Release notes

  • Add integration for SQL-POS
  • Fixed GL PnL - 2C2P Export to pdf Account code shown partly
  • Feature #4635: GL Balance Sheet Report Type Reposition & Set IFRS as Default
  • Feature #4663: Allow user change Tax Code for all transfer documents (except IV/CS that transfer from DO)
  • Update Sales Invoice 3 (GST 2) & (Sales Disc) fromat TaxAmt should shown 0 instead empty
  • Update Sales Invoice 7 (GST 1) Tax Code alignment
  • Update GL PnL - 4C4P header alignment
  • Update Sales Invoice 7 (GST 2) header alignment
  • Update Purchase Cancel Note 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with Tax Date
  • Update Purchase Return 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with Tax Date
  • Update Purchase Debit Note 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with Tax Date
  • Update Purchase Cash Purchase 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with Tax Date
  • Update Purchase Invoice TaxRate label sensitive with TaxDate

SQL Account 5.2018.828.757

Release on 24 May 2018

Release notes

  • Add Sales Multi - Invoice Listing (GST 1) - Level 1 - TaxInclusive report
  • Fix country of last login database still remains in the application without reset
  • Bug #4653: Error When transfer from DO to IV if the database never Start GST before
  • Bug #4652: BizObject error in AR_Customer and AP_Supplier
  • Update Purchase Order 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Update Purchase Request 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Fixed GST GST-03-2018 6a shown 0 even had Value
  • GST transaction posting for RSA should post only if transactions within date range

SQL Account 5.2018.827.757

Release on 24 May 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 159 - Tuning TAX table
  • Update Sales Cancel Note 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Update Sales Credit Note 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Update Sales Debit Note 7 Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Update Sales Order Tax Rate label sensitive with TaxDate
  • Update Sales Quotation 7 Tax Rate Label sensitive with TaxDate
  • #4649: Access control fail in after upgrade to 756
  • Feature #4647: Maintain Tax add fixed tax rate 6% for certain tax codes (GST transition period purpose)

SQL Account 5.2018.826.756

Release on 23 May 2018

Release notes

  • Upgrade Database to Version 158 - Tuning AP_SUPPLIERBRANCH, AR_CUSTOMERBRANCH and SY_PROFILE table
  • Add Cust Local - Invoice Listing (GST 1) - Non Refund Deposit – 201806
  • Fixed Input tax amount not correct when there is TX-ES for GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 report
  • Fixed Export to pdf ROC shown partly for GL Trial Balance report
  • Update Missing Agent & Area Parameter for GL Balance Sheet
  • Update Missing Agent & Area Parameter for GL Profit & Loss in Fast Report
  • Fixed Output Tax over deduct if had RSA for GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 report
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 should excluding NR for DN/CN & Fix Transactions NOt Included where Account Code is Empty
  • Update GL Journal of Transaction & GL Journal of Transaction - Inbalance Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Update Sales Invoice Tax Rate label sensitive with taxdate
  • Update Sales Cash Sales Tax Rate label sensitive with taxdate
  • Feature #4640 Add AR/AP Fast Entry for Invoice
  • #4641 Update for GST Amendment from 6% to 0% (effectively 01 Jun 2018)
  • Add Display customer or supplier location on the Google Maps
  • Feature #4639 Reduce time for the Upgrade to Version 157
  • Feature #4597: Add invoice document date to GST and GL trans description for bad debt relief and bad debt recovered

SQL Account 5.2018.823.755

Release on 20 Apr 2018

Release notes

  • Add Sales Local - Sales Order Listing (GST 1)-SO2PO format
  • Add Sales Invoice 7 (GST 1) (SubTotal) report
  • GST Audit Report support datamap
  • GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Output Tax for CN & DN Adjustment should excluding OS & OS-TXM
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 TX should excluding TXCG
  • Fix GL PnL - 13C1P-SinglePage not follow font style & size set in XML
  • Add GST Audit-Footer F11 report
  • Fixed GST Detail 3 - GST-03 & GST Detail 3 - GST-03-2018 shown duplicate on item 16 when many Draft GST
  • Remove GL Trial Balance - This Year v GAF (Footer) report
  • Convert GL PnL - 13C1P-SinglePage to fast report
  • Update GL Ledger FR3 Alignment for export to excel
  • Update GL Profit & Loss FR3 Alignment for Export to Excel
  • GST Summary - Fix Input Tax double deduct when had CN
  • Update GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Update Sales Invoice 7 Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Update GL Trial Balance Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Fix GL Local - Ledger - Detail - Level 1 should hide when zero
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Input Tax for CN/DN should excluding TX-NC
  • Feature #4602: GL Profit & Loss Always Hide Retained Earning if Print Sub Account Only is select
  • Increase column size for GL PnL - 6C4P report
  • Update Cust Overdue Letter-(with other Info) Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Update GL BS - 13C1P-SinglePage & 2C1P Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Update GL BS - 3C1P Alignment for Export to Excel
  • Fix GL Stock Value Project Description not shown & Footer Description not correctly shown
  • Update Sales Invoice 7 (GST 2) Alignment for Export to Excel
  • #4584: Unable to transfer empty item code from IV to CN
  • #4577: Incorrect display format for Overdue Limit in Maintain Customer
  • Feature #4576: Analyse Data Integrity add "Repost ST Documents"
  • #4595: Slow response using URL attachments
  • Feature #4597: Rename GST and GL trans description for bad debt relief and bad debt recovered
  • Feature #4349: Add record count indicator to bad debt relief and bad debt recover caption on GST bad debt form
  • Update RMCD GST TAP

SQL Account 5.2018.822.754

Release on 14 Mar 2018

Release notes

  • Fix Cust Overdue Letter-(with other Info) Company header not shown if more then 1 page per customer
  • Fix #4572 Error prompted after preview the customer statement group where either total DR or CR are zero.
  • Add Company & CompanyBranch pipeline for EMail for Customer & Supplier Statement
  • #4573: Balance Sheet Retain Earning Description set at Tools | Option not function
  • Remove Negative symbol for Stock Transfer Listing
  • Fixed GST Lampiran 2-with ZR not including IM-CG
  • Fixed GST Lampiran 2 not including IM-CG
  • #4500: Stock Physical Worksheet & Reorder Advice Reports have inconsistent stock result if group by location and batch (if item has transaction in SO/PO but no transaction in ST_TR table)
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Input Tax should exclding BL & OP tax
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Bad Debts should excluding from DN/CN Section
  • Fixed GST Detail 3 - GST-03-2018 not including IM-CG
  • Feature #4575: Allow NS tax code to select in Purchase side
  • Feature #4561: Auto correction to ZP for EP, RP, GP transactions
  • Convert to 0 if found any negative value in TAP text field 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 for GST GST-03-2018
  • #4556: BizObject - Post Stock Received without itemcode prompt Division by Zero
  • Feature #4555: Add Bank Islam Third Party Transfer file format
  • Feature #4547: RHB ePayment - Format update
  • Feature #4325: Allow user to encrypt CIMB Bulk Payment text file

SQL Account 5.2018.821.753

Release on 14 Feb 2018

Release notes

  • No more support Windows XP & Windows Server 2008 and below
  • Database upgrade to version 155
  • Add GST Detail 3 - GST-03-2018 & GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies-2018.
  • Add New GST-03-2018 format.
  • GST-03 report total value of capital goods acquired include transaction with IM-CG tax type
  • Add GST.Gift 2 format
  • Fixed GL Multi - Ledger - Summary Balance C/F not correct in some situation.
  • #4513: GST Listing Summary Grid "Local Amount" Footer shown Empty
  • Feature #4452: Preview GL Maintain Stock Value Report Parameter form add From Year, From Month, To Year & To Month
  • Feature #4479: Stock Transfer Listing add Customer Lookup Filtering.
  • Add new tax types IM-CG, NTX, OS-TXM & SR-JWS. Mark inactive for EP, RP, GP, NP. Update tax description for NS, OP, ZP
  • #4541: Access right still can print even is untick with Preview Right.
  • #4540: Access Right - Maintain Item - Report section is not function.
  • #4539: Edit & Save Sales CN which transfer from IV (that transfer from Past DO) prompt assertion error
  • Feature #4514: Rename column caption from U/Cost to U/Price on gift entry form; GST_GIFT_DTL table UnitCost column stores item unit price .
  • #4503: Job Order browse screen, drag out BOM Template from field chooser prompt error.
  • Feature #4451: Add Police ID and Army ID to ID type of supplier bank account.
  • #4495: GL Cash Book Currency label not aligned properly when resize form.
  • #4455: AR/AP CN & Contra Not shown bad recover when Knock Off with IV which have bad debts.
  • #4483: Remove Maintain Style module Checking.
  • Fix unable to edit cancelled sales invoice after process GST return.
  • Fix Create Fresh Sample DB prompt error "You are not allow to bounce before system conversion date."

SQL Account 5.2017.817.751

Release on 30 November 2017

Release notes

  • Database upgrade to version 153
  • Feature #4438: Document batch lookup add qty column and option "View Qty"
  • Create index for ST_TR (Batch) to speed up performance for Batch Qty Lookup
  • Feature #4438: Document batch lookup add qty column and option "View Qty"
  • Add GST Bad Debt Relief - Purchase-Adj-Input & Output Tax format
  • Add feature #4442: List invoices where bad debt relief or bad debt recover already happened based on taxable period
  • Bug #4441: GL Cash Book & Journal should allow to save if detail invoice date greater than document date within same month (Change to confirmation dialog)
  • Pascal Script support TcxCustomEditProperties.Alignment.Horz property
  • Update GL Journal of Transaction - Inbalance.fr3 add Export list to text
  • Bug #4433: Location lookup become slow when the items has huge stock transactions in same location. Location lookup add option "View Qty" for performance issue user can untick this option
  • [Win64] - TClientDataSet.XMLData prompt Access Violation
  • Convert Customer Statement with Orig Amt to Fast Report
  • Convert Customer Statement - Group to fast report
  • Bug #4431: Maintain Batch Unable to AutoRun Code
  • Bug #4437: Access Right - File | Import no function
  • Bug #4416: Stock Batch Lookup "New" should be disabled if no purchase batch modules
  • Feature #4423: Auto post the stock value when click apply on GL Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and P&L Reports
  • Fixed Cust Statement 12 Mths 1-Fixed Month had extra unknown field & no decimal point for Open Credit Amount
  • Fix application prompt override access right window twice even though ADMIN override the access right
  • Fix bug #4434: GST taxable button is visible on document entry window if document default window is detail window
  • Feature #4060: Lookup New Entry supported for all master entry forms
  • Convert Customer & Supplier Listing to Fast Report
  • Fix bug #4415: Report form data grid auto append a record if press "Down" arrow key on grid
  • Bug #4426: GL Journal Listing Filter by Doc No prompt error
  • Add GST-Penyata Pembekalan Diberi Perlepasan CBP (RS) report
  • Check tax type of input and output tax of easy GST bad debt before process GST return

SQL Account 5.2017.816.750

Release on 27 October 2017

Release notes

  • Feature #4391: GL Opening Balance allow batch edit save and display status to alert user if local DR and CR not balanced
  • Add Editing drop down button for Customer & Supplier account to drill down to other entry forms
  • Rewrite GL Opening Balance to support batch edit
  • Bug #4412: Incorrect Drill Down from GST Listing for PV with the Detail Inv No
  • Fixed GST Summary Sheet - MY - RSA should not include in DS category
  • Update maybank2e-rc universal payment file format based on version 4.5
  • Bug #4410: Maintain Stock Batch rename code (1 space) to other value will cause incorrect update to all empty stock batch transactions
  • Fix GST Summary Sheet - MY-20170106 Relief should not show GST Amount
  • Bug #4407: Customer Contra will Prompt Error if using Form Mode Split Browse & Detail Windows
  • Fixed GST Detail 4 - Mixed Supplies label for calculation not correctly shown
  • Update RMCD GST TAP
  • Calculate bad debt invoice if invoice has outstanding (invoice DocAmt - payment KOAmt)
  • Remove redundancy code in Sales Picking List - Level 1-DocUOM
  • Fix TcxDBImage unable to load jpeg image
  • Show Account Not Balance in GL Opening Balance when the LocalDR and LocalCR is not equal
  • Feature #4393: Localize and allow user specified GL Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Report Grand Totals' Description in Tools | Options
  • Bug #4402: Stock Month End Error when Filter by Category
  • Reverse the Negative Symbol to Credit for GL Journal Voucher - (GST) reports